The summer of 2009, set the scene of a wonderful furry family reunion for Jack, his brother Barbosa and their mother Q'Tesh. Tom Baker, owner of Tesh, contacted me about Jack. We had several conversations about Jack and his family tree and I mentioned that my friends, Meredith and Dwayne Reese had Jack's brother Bosa, and got them in touch with each other also. We all finally arranged to meet at the dog park in Scranton, PA. The following pictures are the result of that beautiful day!
Jack and Bosa arrived first and together, but didn't pay much attention to each other while we waited for the Bakers and Tesh. They just explored the park mostly seperately.
After a little while, they arrived!
Tesh seemed a little shy at first, but she eventually warmed up to us all.
Finally another pup comes to the park and they all say, "Hello"
Mom's and their "furkids"
And then there was the moment that Jack was reunited with his mother........and had no clue as to who she was!
Getting to know one another again. The family that plays together, well......plays together!
This page was last updated: February 21, 2010