This is Captain Jack. He's the newest hound addition to the Dragonflyte household. He's a four year old wire-haired Ibizan Hound. Jack had a good start in life with his breeder, but she sold Jack and his brother Barbosa to someone she thought was going to provide a good home for them. She later found out that this was not the case.
The woman had had both dogs "debarked" justifying her action by falsly claiming that her State required all show dogs to be debarked.
Besides the debarking, the two boys found themselves in a bad situation all together and Teresa arranged to have them picked up and brought back to PA through a network of sighthound lovers.
Jack was adopted to a family where he did OK, but the family's other dog took an instant dislike to Jack and threatened him daily.
Jill, who had adopted Jack, decided because of that and the fact that he just wasn't doing well in their household, that it would be best for him to find a new home. That's when she met me.
I have always been enthralled with Ibizan Hounds (or 'Beezers' as they are affectionately called by breed enthusiasts) and because of the numerous sighthounds whom have graced the halls (and floors and pillows and couches and beds) of Dragonflyte, both Jill and Teresa thought I could provide the best home for Captain Jack now. So here he is on his first day home. He looked a little worried when he first came, but is starting to settle in now.
This page was last updated: February 21, 2010
Most graphics used on this page by permission by
Jack is a very laid back dog, waiting patiently to see where my other dogs lie down before he picks a spot to settle down. The first night, he laid on a tiny little kennel pad next to the kerosene heater. Teresa told me Beezer's only need about three inches of space to curl up on, but I thought she was exaggerating just a little. Apparently not! I felt sorry for him and laid a nice comforter down for him to lie on and he gladly accepted....after I walked out of the room.
After a bit, my whippet, Phantom, got off of her throne on the couch and Jack seized the opportunity which presented itself. Of course, he decided that the clean clothes in the laundry basket at the end of the couch was a great receptacle for "bedding" materials. That's my coat that he dragged out of the basket to lie on!
I KNOW I can fit on here if I try hard enough!
Check out my Ibizan Hound Art Page
And my brand new Cafe Press Beezer design
Finished portrait of Jack by Jeanni K. Davis
April, 2008