Zahara came here in December, 2001 and was adopted by a lovely family in Lancaster, PA on March 1, 2002.  She spent Christmas with us and is sweet and a little introverted.  If I yell at one of the other dogs, (or my teenage daughter), she slinks away.  (I would never yell at her!)  Below is Zahara's first day with us.  Looks at home, doesn't she?
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Pat's Web Gaphics
Background and graphics courtesy of:
Zahara with her new Mom, Kathy and her new skin-sister, Simone.
Boligee Sy
M's Leonor
CY's Tia
Geno Green
Nadehzda Voskresenia Anya Vesna Jeanniov (Borzoi)
Woody O'Day
Hi Tor Kurthaus Phantom (Whippet)
Hawthorn Hawk
Malachi Job of Dragonflyte (Doberman)
Cheyenne Hart
Some of my favorite places on the web